You don’t need more degrees than a thermostat in theology for God to use you. You don’t need a perfect past or a flawless record. God isn’t looking for the most qualified—He’s looking for the most willing. If He’s put a call on your heart, don’t let fear, doubt, or what’s behind you stop you from stepping into it. Be bold. Move forward.
Look at Philip. Not Philip the disciple—Philip the evangelist. This man wasn’t a religious scholar, but he was available and obedient. In Acts 8, God sent him on what probably felt like a random mission: "Go south to the road—the desert road—that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza." (Acts 8:26) No map. No plan. Just obedience.
And on that road? He met an Ethiopian eunuch, a high-ranking official searching for truth. This man, physically and metaphorically cut off from belonging in Jewish worship, was reading from Isaiah but didn’t understand it. Philip, led by the Spirit, explained the prophecy about Jesus. That moment changed everything. The eunuch believed, got baptized on the spot, and went home with the message of salvation.
Now, here’s where it gets really cool. Some historians believe that the message of Jesus spread to what was then Ethiopia (modern-day Egypt) because of this one encounter. Today, a group called the Coptic Christians still traces their faith back to this very story. One act of obedience led to generations of life change.
So, what about you? What’s God calling you to do? Who is He calling you to reach? You don’t have to have all the answers—just a willing heart. Say yes. Step out. You never know how far that obedience will go.
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